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About Us



To excel in child care services, a home away from home for the children and the go to place for parents.




To provide a safe and nurturing environment for children to grow, explore and learn so that they are not just academics ready, but ready for life!


About us

My Happy Place started out with the vision of our founder to go beyond book learning. Having completed his Engineering in Telecommunication (B.E.) and M.B.A (Finance and banking), a corporate job in one of India’s leading banks awaited. However, the desire to change the way education is delivered along with his love for children, made him follow his dream. After training for a year in Early Childhood Care and Education, the doors opened to ‘My Happy Place’.


 The essence lies in ‘hands-on engagements’ where the child’s strongest memory, tactile memory, is put to use. Our holistic approach let’s children decide when and how they want to learn. Now isn’t that the best? 


Our belief in the process and not the product, has prompted us to take up activities that don’t burden or pressurise. The focus is on gaining skills rather than winning a rat race. It is these soft skills that define and separate the outstanding from the average.

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